There has been opposition from the candidates regarding the PCS and RO/ARO preliminary examination of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Even today this commotion continued intermittently throughout the day. Recently the students became furious and broke the barricades, on which the police chased them away by lathi charge. The protest is still going on and the students are not ready to back down. In such a situation, let us understand what is the whole matter…
Why did the ruckus start?
UP Public Service Commission recently announced the new dates of PCS and RO-ARO Prelims exams, this is where all this chaos has arisen. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission issued a release on November 5, announcing the new dates for PCS and RO-ARO Prelims examinations. It was also told that due to shortage of examination centres, as per the rules, examinations will be conducted on more than one day and in two shifts.
Apart from this, a formula made with the opinion of experts for evaluation in the examination was also given. In which it was told that for percentile score, the number of candidates issued admit cards in the shift will be multiplied by the number of marks the candidate will get, then it will be divided by the number of candidates appearing in the shift (number of admit cards issued to the candidates). It continues (not all take the exam) and then after this we will multiply by 100. This entire process will be done through computer programs.
big reason evaluation formula
The students started protesting against these decisions of the Commission, which is still continuing. Candidates are opposing the examination in different shifts, the main reason for which is the evaluation formula. According to him, using this formula, the more candidates there are in a shift, the more marks the candidate will get. In the shift in which there are less candidates, the marks scored by the candidates will be reduced.
performance has already taken place
When will the exams be held?
UPPSC PCS Prelims exam will be conducted on December 7 and 8 in 41 districts. The examination will be held in two shifts, in which the first shift examination will start from 9.30 to 11.30 am and the second shift examination will start from 2.30 pm.
Education News
Image Credit: India_Tv.