Varanasi: A major train accident was avoided in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. Actually, two trains came face to face on the same track in Varanasi. Swatantrata Senani Express and Ayodhya Dham Special narrowly escaped a collision. According to the information, due to chain pulling, Swatantrata Senani Express going from New Delhi towards Jaynagar was standing in the yard of Varanasi Junction. Due to this, the rear part of the Swatantrata Senani train stopped just beyond the signal crossing.
Both trains avoided collision with each other
Green signal was given to Bilaspur-Ayodhya Dham special from the remaining Varanasi Junction platform number 3. When this special train reached near the yard of Varanasi Junction, the driver saw that ahead on the same line was the tail end of the Swatantrata Senani Express. The train driver showed wisdom and immediately applied the emergency brake. Due to reduced speed, Ayodhya Dham Special stopped about 50 meters before the freedom fighter. A major accident was averted from this.
Driver informed senior officials
Report- Anamika Gaur
Image Credit: India_Tv.