Assembly elections have been completed in Maharashtra. Even after a week after the election results came out, it has not been announced which leader will sit on the throne of the Chief Minister in the state. All three parties of Mahayuti – BJP, Shiv Sena and NCP are discussing about the post of CM. At the same time, now information has come to light as to when the name of the new Chief Minister of Maharashtra will be announced. A senior BJP official has revealed the date of announcement of CM's name on Monday.
CM's announcement on 4th
According to PTI, a senior BJP official has said that the new Chief Minister of Maharashtra will be announced on Wednesday, December 4. He has said that the name of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra will be announced a day before the swearing-in ceremony of the Mahayuti government. Let us tell you that BJP has already announced that the new CM of Maharashtra will take oath on 5th December in the presence of PM Modi and other leaders at Azad Maidan in Mumbai.
Devendra Fadnavis' name is almost decided
BJP leader Sudhir Mungantiwar has said that the name of BJP leader and former CM Devendra Fadnavis is almost certain for the post of Chief Minister in Maharashtra. He said, “Devendra Fadnavis will be on the post of CM, it is almost certain. It will be the same face which is in discussion. The decision will be taken in the legislature party meeting, this is my opinion. BJP will not give any surprise.” Mungantiwar said that Eknath Shinde is not angry. A big swearing-in ceremony will take place in Mumbai on 5th December.
Nirmala Sitharaman and Vijay Rupani Supervisor
Amid the ongoing discussion over the CM post, BJP has appointed Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for Maharashtra and former Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani as central observers. BJP's legislature party meeting will be held on December 4. Nirmala Sitharaman and former Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani will take charge of this election. (input language)
Image Credit: India_Tv.