Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak has taken action after an objectionable video of a hospital in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh was wired. Action has been taken against five employees. Of these, three have been transferred. Meanwhile, a case has been registered against two. Here the video of vein ligation had gone viral, in which women in distressing condition were being operated on. It is believed that a health worker made a video of this. After this there is an uproar.
The matter pertains to Hargaon Community Health Center of Sitapur. The video of female sterilization from the operation theater here had gone viral. Taking cognizance of this matter, Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak has taken major action. A case has been registered against two pharmacists. At the same time, the CHC superintendent along with the staff nurse and ward ayah have been transferred. Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak gave information about this action on his X account. He said that no culprit will be spared.
What's in the viral video?
A video of CHC Hargaon had gone viral. This video was of sterilization of women inside an OT, in which women were being sterilized in objectionable positions. In the viral video, male health workers are also seen present in the OT during sterilization. Whereas as per rules, only female health workers should have been inside the OT during female sterilization. After the sterilization video went viral on social media, Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak took serious cognizance of the matter and took major action against the health workers posted at CHC Hargaon.
Order to submit investigation report in 4 days
Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak transferred CHC Superintendent Dr. Nitish Verma to CHC Elia and also withheld his one month's salary and directed him to submit an explanation within three days. In the same sequence, one month's salary has also been stopped and clarification has been sought from Gynecologist and Obstetrician Dr. Govind. As a result of the action, staff nurse Radha Verma and ward Aya Kalpana have been removed from Hargaon Center and posted at Community Health Center Kasmanda. Besides, an explanation has also been sought from them while withholding one month's salary. A case has been registered against trainee pharmacists Satyaprakash and Atul Awasthi and legal action is also being taken against both of them. Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak has ordered CMO Harpal Singh to submit the investigation report on the entire matter within 4 days.
Image Credit: India_Tv.