All schools in many states including Bihar-UP-Jharkhand have been closed on November 7. A statement issued by the district authorities on Wednesday said all government and private schools from classes nursery to eighth in Gautam Buddha Nagar will remain closed on November 7. Holidays have been given in schools due to Chhath Puja. Basic Education Officer Rahul Pawar said that UP Basic Education Council has declared holiday for Chhath festival in all the schools. All schools will open at their scheduled time on Friday.
Apart from Gautam Buddha Nagar, schools will also remain closed in Ghaziabad. The District School Inspector, Ghaziabad has issued a letter regarding this. At the same time, November 7 has been declared a holiday in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh.
Chhath holiday in Bihar and Delhi
The government has announced 4 days holidays for Chhath in Bihar. School holiday has been announced in Bihar from November 6 to November 9. Apart from this, there is a holiday for central employees in Jharkhand on 7th November.
On the occasion of Chhath festival, it has been announced that schools and colleges will be closed on 7th November in many states. Schools and colleges will remain closed on 15th November on the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti. Kartik Purnima and Martyrdom Day of Guru Teg Bahadur will be celebrated on 24th November, due to which schools and colleges will remain closed.
Image Credit: India_Tv.