Mumbai: The first major rebellion has taken place in the BJP before the Maharashtra Assembly elections. The decision of Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Maharashtra election in-charge Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav, co-in-charge Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has been challenged by former MP Gopal Shetty and he will file nomination as an independent candidate from Borivali seat. Atul Shah has also rebelled against Shayna NC being given ticket from Mumba Devi seat. He has announced that today i.e. on Tuesday he will file nomination as an independent candidate from Mumba Devi seat. He has expressed his displeasure and accused the party of neglecting him.
What Gopal Shetty said, watch video
Reason for Gopal Shetty-Atul Shah's displeasure
BJP spokesperson Shaina N. People were surprised when CM Eknath Shinde's Shiv Sena gave the ticket to C., BJP's Atul Shah wanted to contest from this seat but in a hurry Shayna Shinde joined Shiv Sena from BJP and Shayna Shinde group gave the ticket. . Interestingly, just hours after Shiv Sena's list of 15 candidates came out, BJP spokesperson Shaina suddenly joined Shiv Sena on Monday. This means that now she will be called Shiv Sena leader Shaina NC.
BJP leaders will contest as independent candidates
Let us tell you that in the Lok Sabha elections, BJP had canceled the ticket of Gopal Shetty and fielded Piyush Goyal in his place from Mumbai North and he won. Now BJP has decided to field Sanjay Upadhyay from Borivali assembly seat also, due to which Gopal Shetty has become very angry and has rebelled.
Image Credit: India_Tv.