Bengaluru: Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge has slammed Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar for asking him to 'review' the Shakti Scheme. Kharge, who looked angry in a press conference, sought a reply from DK Shivakumar regarding his statement. Although seeing Shivkumar in trouble, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah tried to save him, but Kharge's anger did not subside. Later, while talking to journalists, DK's tone seemed to have changed and he said that Karnataka's guarantee model is an example for the entire country and we are happy that we have been able to implement it.
This conversation took place in Kharge and DK
Kharge: How many guarantees have you given here (in Karnataka)?
DK: Five.
Kharge: Considering your 5 guarantees, I have announced 5 guarantees in Maharashtra also. But you have said that a guarantee will be removed.
Looks like you don't read newspapers, this has come in newspapers.
Kharge: When you say review, it opens up the opportunity to criticize. In Maharashtra I have said that they should not announce 5, 6, 10 or 20 guarantees. They should announce guarantees based on the budget. Otherwise, bankruptcy will occur. If there is no money for roads, everyone will turn against you. If this government fails, the coming generation will be left with nothing but infamy. He will have to live in exile for 10 years.
These 5 free guarantee schemes running in Karnataka
1- Food Bhagya: 10 kg rice per month to every BPL family.
2- Home Lakshmi: Rs 2000 per month to a female head of the family through DBT. This scheme is not being implemented regularly, it gets backlogged from time to time, but the government is running it by depositing the money in the accounts of all the women along with the arrears.
4- Shakti Free Bus Guarantee: Under this scheme, women are being provided free bus service in government buses. This scheme is also running effectively.
Tone changed after being beaten with a sword
Image Credit: India_Tv.