The date of assembly elections in Maharashtra has been announced. Voting will be held for all 288 assembly seats in the state on November 20. After this, the election results will be revealed on November 23. Amid the election campaign, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde also filed nomination papers for Kopri-Pachpakhadi constituency in Thane on Monday. While filing nomination papers, CM Shinde has also disclosed his assets. Let us know the details of his complete property.
How much is CM Shinde's income?
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has informed in his affidavit that his income has decreased by almost 50 percent in 2023-24 as compared to 2018-19. Let us tell you that during the financial year 2023-24, Eknath Shinde's income was Rs 34,81,135, which was Rs 61,00,841 in 2018-19. However, during this period his wife's income increased from Rs 9,94,096 to Rs 15,83,972. This is an increase of about 59 percent.
Rs 26,000 is cash
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has stated in his election affidavit that he has Rs 26,000 in cash, while his wife has Rs 2 lakh in cash. CM Eknath Shinde has investments of Rs 1.44 crore and his wife has investments of Rs 7.77 crore.
How much is real estate?
Apart from all this, it is stated in the affidavit that CM Shinde has immovable property worth about Rs 13.38 crore while his wife has immovable property worth Rs 15.08 crore. Meanwhile, Shinde has liabilities of Rs 5.29 crore while his wife's liabilities are Rs 9.99 crore. (input language)
Image Credit: India_Tv.