Ndjamena: Saturday brought the message of death for Boko Haram terrorists in the African country Chad. According to emerging reports, Boko Haram attacked soldiers in the western part of Chad on Saturday. A total of 17 soldiers lost their lives in this attack. The army said that in retaliation, Boko Haram suffered huge losses and 96 of its terrorists were killed. Let us tell you that till a few years ago the Chadian army had normalized the situation by conducting operations against Boko Haram terrorists, but now they have started raising their heads again.
Terrorists have suffered a lot of damage
Giving information about the terrorist attack on state television on Sunday night, army spokesman General Isaac Achikh said that Boko Haram had carried out the attack on Saturday in the 'Lake Chad' area. He did not tell anything in detail about this. However, latest reports have revealed that while 17 soldiers have died in the attack, the terrorists have also suffered huge losses. Let us tell you that so far this year, terrorists of various terrorist organizations including Boko Haram and Islamic State in Africa have attacked the Lake Chad area several times.
Chad is a partner of France and America
Chad's army established peace in 2020 by conducting a successful operation to destroy militant bases, but an atmosphere of violence and fear has once again prevailed there. Last month, 40 soldiers were killed in an attack on a military base. After that, President Mahamat Debi Itno ordered the launch of an operation to oust Boko Haram militants from the Lake Chad region. Chad is a key ally for French and US forces seeking help fighting the 12-year-old jihadist insurgency in the Sahel region of West Africa.
Image Credit: India_Tv.