WhatsApp is soon bringing another special feature for its millions of users. Meta's instant messaging app is used by millions of people around the world. It has more than 50 crore active users in India also. This app is used extensively on Android as well as iPhone. WhatsApp is now testing the feature of multiple accounts for its users, in which users will be able to run multiple WhatsApp accounts simultaneously in the same app. The company has officially confirmed it.
Multiple accounts in one app
According to the WhatsApp blog, this multiple account feature is currently being rolled out for iPhone users. There are many users who use two SIMs in one phone and also use WhatsApp on both those numbers. Two WhatsApp cannot be installed in many smartphones. In such a situation, users have to keep a secondary phone to use WhatsApp. This multi account feature of WhatsApp has been rolled out with iOS version. Soon, this feature will be available to iPhone users.
According to WABetaInfo, this feature will also be beta tested for Android users. After this its stable version will be rolled out. According to the report, chat backup, settings and chats of both the WhatsApp accounts of the users will be different so that the users do not face any kind of confusion. Users will be able to check and reply to messages by switching between the two accounts in the app.
use it like this
- iPhone users must first update their app to the latest version.
- After this, users will have to go to the account section of the app's settings.
- Here they will get the option to add an account. Users will be able to add another account to the app by accepting the privacy policy etc.
- After this the user will have to verify his phone number etc.
- Then they will also be able to use the secondary WhatsApp account in the same app.
Information – The effect of TRAI's order is visible, Vodafone Idea also launched two cheap plans without data.
Image Credit: India_Tv.