WhatsApp has more than 295 million users all over the world. Meta's instant messaging platform is the most used app in the world. The company continuously releases new features and security updates for this. Soon, WhatsApp will not work on many old smartphones. If you also use these smartphones, then you need to upgrade your phone. This messaging platform of Meta will not work in about 20 smartphones after December 31, 2024. Come, let us know about these smartphones…
Messages will not come from January 1
From January 1, users will neither be able to send nor receive messages through WhatsApp on these smartphones. WhatsApp will not work on most old Android smartphones. These smartphones were launched 10 years ago. WhatsApp has decided to end its support for Android Kitkat and earlier Android operating systems launched in 2013. WhatsApp will work on smartphones with this operating system only till December 31.
Apart from WhatsApp, other Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram will also stop working in these smartphones. Meta has taken this decision regarding the security of the device. After the arrival of new technology, there is a need to upgrade the old technology. Old operating systems do not have the necessary security capabilities, which makes them easy to hack. In such a situation, users will need to upgrade to a new smartphone. However, the number of smartphones working on Android KitKat is very less. In such a situation, it will not affect most WhatsApp users.
Will not work in these smartphones
- Samsung: Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Ace 3, Galaxy S4 Mini
- Motorola: Moto G (1st Gen), Razr HD, Moto E 2014
- HTC: One X, One X+, Desire 500, Desire 601
- LG: Optimus G, Nexus 4, G2 Mini, L90
- Sony: Xperia Z, Xperia SP, Xperia T, Xperia V
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Image Credit: India_Tv.