Vodafone Idea has introduced many new offers for users in view of its low users, in which users are being offered unlimited calling as well as unlimited data. The company has more than 18 crore mobile users, which used to be more than 30 million earlier. Vodafone-Idea has also introduced an 180-day plan like BSNL, in which users are being offered plenty of data along with unlimited calling.
180 day plan
This plan of Voda-Idea has come at a price of Rs 1,749. In this plan, users are being offered a full 180 days i.e. 6 months validity. Talking about the benefits found in this plan of VI, users get the benefit of unlimited calling to call any number in India. Also, users will also get the benefit of free national roaming in it. In this plan of Voda, users will also get the benefit of 100 free SMS along with 1.5GB high speed data.
In this plan, the company is offering unlimited data to users from 12 noon to 6 am. Apart from this, users will also get the benefit of weekend data rollover in it. The remaining daily data of the week will be added to the weekend.
BSNL plan
BSNL is offering an 180 -day plan to its users for Rs 897. In this plan of government telecom company, users are being offered 90GB high speed data with unlimited calling across India. Also, Daily 100 Free SMS will be benefited. At the same time, Airtel and Jio currently have no 180 -day recharge plan.
Voice only plan
Due to TRAI's new order, all private companies have launched voice only plans for their users. Vodafone-Idea's voice only plan comes at an initial price of Rs 470. In this plan, users get 84 days validity. Apart from this, the company also has a plan of Rs 1,849, in which 365 days validity is offered to users.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.