Vodafone Idea has taken a big decision amid its continuously decreasing users. The company has introduced two cheap recharge plans priced below Rs 150 for its crores of users. In the recent new report of TRAI, the number of users of the company has once again reduced by lakhs. The company is also making preparations on a large scale to improve its network. The company has also launched 5G service on low scale in 17 telecom circles of the country. Come, let us know about two cheap recharge plans of Vodafone-Idea priced below Rs 150…
Vi's Rs 128 plan
In this cheap plan of Vodafone-Idea, users will get the benefit of total 100MB data. Apart from this, users will get the facility of local and STD calls at the rate of 2.5 paisa per second. Also, the company is giving the benefit of 10 local on-night minutes calling to the users. Users will be able to avail the benefit of this free calling from 11 pm to 6 am. No other free facility will be available in this plan of Vi. The validity of this plan is 18 days. The company has introduced this plan specifically to keep the SIM active.
Vi's Rs 138 plan
This recharge plan comes with a validity of 20 days. Talking about the benefits available in this, users will get the benefit of total 100MB free data in this plan also. Apart from this, users will get the benefit of 10 free local on-net night minutes. For calling, users will be charged 2.5 paise per second. Also, there will be no benefit of any free SMS bundle.
This recharge plan of Vodafone-Idea has currently been brought for the users of Karnataka Telecom Circle. This recharge plan of Vodafone-Idea is not available in any other telecom circle except Karnataka. TRAI has recently issued new guidelines for telecom companies, in which they have been asked to offer separate recharge for voice calling and SMS for 2G feature phone users. Also, in the new guidelines, the validity of STV has been increased to 365 days.
Information – Shock to crores of Airtel users, validity of this cheap plan reduced
Image Credit: India_Tv.