Airtel has several recharge plans for its more than 35 crore users starting at less than Rs 50, in which users get up to 20GB of high-speed data. If you are looking for a cheap plan of Airtel in 2025, then these 5 prepaid plans can be the best option for you. Jio and BSNL also have plans for users priced below Rs 50, but Airtel has plans ranging from Rs 11 to Rs 49. Come, let us know about these 5 cheap recharge plans of Airtel…
Rs 11 plan
This is the cheapest recharge plan in the list of Airtel. In this Rs 11 plan, users get the benefit of 10GB data. However, the validity of this recharge plan of Airtel is only 1 hour. This means that users can use 10GB data in 1 hour by spending Rs 11. This plan is especially for those users who need more data at a lower price.
Rs 22 plan
In this Rs 22 plan, the company has reduced the data but users get more validity in it as compared to the Rs 11 plan. In this, full 1 day validity is offered to the users. During this period, users will get the benefit of 1GB high speed data.
Rs 26 plan
In this plan of Airtel also, users get validity of 1 day. In this plan, users get the benefit of 1.5GB high speed data.
Rs 33 plan
In this plan also, users get validity of 1 day. In this plan of Airtel, users get the benefit of 2GB high speed data.
Rs 49 plan
In this recharge plan of Airtel, users get the benefit of total 20GB data. The validity of this plan is also 1 day.
All these data packs of Airtel will work with the already running regular plans of the users. The company has launched all these data packs especially for those users whose daily data has been exhausted and they need data in emergency.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.