Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G The price has once again been drastically reduced. Samsung's premium flagship smartphone is getting cheaper by Rs 40 thousand in the New Year Sale started on Flipkart. However, this phone is still Rs 5,000 more expensive than its lowest price. This Samsung phone comes with 200MP camera, 12GB RAM, 256GB storage and AI features. Bank discount and no-cost EMI will also be available on the purchase of this Samsung phone. Not only this, you will also get a separate discount on exchanging your old phone.
The phone became cheaper by Rs 40 thousand
Samsung launched its flagship smartphone Galaxy S23 Ultra at a price of Rs 1,49,999. This smartphone will be available in 256GB, 512GB and 1TB storage variants with 12GB RAM. The company has reduced the base i.e. 256GB variant of the phone. This phone is currently listed at a price of Rs 77,999. Apart from this, you will get a bank discount of up to 10% on the purchase of this phone on Flipkart. You can bring this phone home with an initial EMI of Rs 2,742.
Features of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
This Samsung phone has a 6.81 inch 2X Dynamic AMOLED display. The display of the phone supports up to 3088 x 1440 pixel resolution. Apart from this, the phone comes with LTPO i.e. 120Hz high refresh rate and in-display fingerprint sensor. This Samsung phone works on Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, with which it will be supported with 12GB RAM and 1TB internal storage.
S-Pen is supported in the phone. Apart from this, this sturdy Samsung phone has a powerful battery of 5000mAh. With this, support for 45W wired and wireless charging feature will be available. This phone works on OneUI 5 based on Android 13.
Quad camera setup is available in the back of this Samsung phone. The phone will have a 200MP main camera. Along with this, three more cameras of 10MP, 12MP and 10MP are provided. The primary camera of the phone will support OIS i.e. Optical Image Stabilization.
It has a 12MP camera for selfie and video calling.
Information – All contacts have disappeared from the phone? Will come back from a setting in Gmail
Image Credit: India_Tv.