More than 70 crore users of Jio and Airtel have suffered a big shock. This report of Opensignal has disappointed the users. In 2022, both these telecom companies started their 5G service. At the time of launch, internet speeds of up to 1Gpps were claimed by telecom companies. However, at the time of launch their average speed was 300Mbps to 400Mbps. Within just two years of 5G launch, there has been a huge decline in the 5G speed of telecom companies.
network congestion problem
The number of 5G users of both the companies is increasing day by day, but they will have to wait longer for better connectivity experience. According to the latest report of Opensignal, due to the increasing 5G users of these telecom companies, problems of network congestion have started. Not only this, due to telecom operators offering unlimited 5G internet, users have started consuming more data, which has affected the internet speed.
5G speed decreased
According to OpenSignal report, only 16 percent of 5G users are using the 700MHz frequency band. At the same time, 84 percent users are accessing 5G internet through 3.5GHz spectrum band. Airtel's 5G download speed has been 6.6 percent faster than Jio. Airte users are getting 5G internet with an average speed of 240Mbps. At the same time, Jio users are getting an average speed of 225Mbps.
Emphasis on network expansion
This report of Opensignal is based on data from telecom operators Airtel, Jio, Vodafone Idea and BSNL between June 1 and August 29. 5G services of Vi and BSNL have not started yet. These companies are trialling 5G in some parts. Airtel has mid spectrum band, due to which traffic is being managed. The company is going to use Stand Alone (SA) 5G technology in the coming time, due to which the dependence on 4G will be less. At the same time, Jio is expanding its 5G service based on SA technology.
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