iQOO 13 has recently been launched in India. After its flagship smartphone, iQoo is now preparing to launch budget and mid-budget smartphones as well. The upcoming model of iQOO Z series will be launched soon. It may come with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Elite processor. Recently information about this phone of Iku has come to light. The tipster has shared many details including the processor of the phone on social media.
Details leaked
This year the company launched iQOO Z9s Turbo with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Gen 3. Popular Chinese tipster Digital Chat Station (DCS) has shared details about iQOO Z10 Turbo on the social media platform. This phone can come with a display with 1.5K resolution, which will support 144Hz refresh rate. This mid-budget phone of Iku will be launched next year. It will get a new chip from Qualcomm.
Talking about other features of iQOO Z10, according to the tipster, it will have a dual camera setup in the back, which will have a 50MP main camera. The phone can be provided with a powerful battery of 7,000mAh and 80W or 90W fast charging features. Details about any other feature of this smartphone have not been revealed nor has the company shared any information about this smartphone.
iQOO Z9 Turbo
Talking about the previous model of iQOO Z10 Turbo, it has a 6.78 inch FHD+ display. The display of the phone supports 144Hz high refresh rate feature. Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor is available in this phone. A 50MP main and 8MP ultra-wide camera will be available in the back of the phone. The phone has a 16MP camera for selfie and video calling. It has a 6,000mAh battery with 80W fast charging feature. The price of this phone is CNY 1,999 (approximately Rs 23,000).
Information – After OnePlus, Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo took a big decision, Indian users benefited
Image Credit: India_Tv.