Netflix's troubles are not stopping. Recently, incidents of scam in the name of OTT platform were coming to light, now a fine of crores of rupees has been imposed on the company. The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) has imposed a huge fine of 4.74 million pounds i.e. approximately Rs 43 crore on the leading OTT platform. The company has been accused of hiding user data and keeping its privacy statement unclear and has been found guilty.
Investigation going on since 2019
According to the report, the Dutch privacy watchdog has claimed that the streaming platform did not tell its users anything clearly about data privacy between 2018 and 2020. According to the report, the Dutch Data Protection Authority says that an investigation started in 2019 found that Netflix did not clearly tell its users in the privacy statement what the company actually does with their data.
The company is cooperating in the investigation
The Dutch authority says that the company has failed to clearly tell its users what it does and why it is collecting the users' data. This is against the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules. However, Netflix says that this investigation started 5 years ago, we are fully cooperating with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Additionally, we are proactively providing better information about privacy information to our users. We have opposed this decision.
Policy revised
Netflix has recently revised the privacy policy and clarified the information. The Dutch Data Protection Authority has said in its order that a company with a turnover in billions and millions of users around the world should clearly inform its customers about how their personal data is processed. The OTT platform has currently opposed this order.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.