Desi brand Lava has launched another cheap smartphone. This lava smartphone comes at an initial price of Rs 6,000. It has many bodybuilders including 5,000mAh battery. This phone, which competes with Chinese companies, comes in the same storage variants. Lava has also launched many cheap 5G smartphones before this. This phone of the company is especially for users who switch to smartphones from feature phones.
Phone price
The Lava Yuva Smart phone has been introduced in 3GB RAM and 64GB storage variants. The phone costs Rs 6,000. The back of the phone has a glossy finish and can be purchased in three color options- glossy blue, glossy white and glossy lavender. This phone will be sold through online and offline channels.
Features of Lava Yuva Smart
This cheap phone has a large screen of 6.75 inches. This phone display of this phone with waterdrop notch designs gives support for HD+ resolution. The phone's display supports the 60Hz standard refresh rate.
This phone of Lava has a UNISOC 9863A processor. The phone gets 3GB of RAM, which can be expanded virtually 3GB. It will get 64GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 512GB via microSD card.
This phone works on Android 14 Go operating system. The phone will get side mounted physical fingerprint sensor. Apart from this, a face unlock feature for security has also been provided.
This cheap phone of Lava comes with a powerful battery of 5,000mAh, with 10W USB Type C fast charging feature.
AI dual camera setup has been given in the back of Lava Yuva Smart. This phone will get 13MP main and a secondary camera. For selfie and video calling, this phone of Lava will get a 5MP selfie camera.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.