If you use microblogging platform X then there is useful news for you. Actually, Elon Musk's company Company X has given a big shock to crores of Indian customers. The company has increased the prices of its premium subscription plans. Now Indian X users will have to pay 35% more for premium plans than before. Now you will have to pay more in the next bill.
This much money will have to be paid for one month
X has increased the prices of its premium plans for many markets including India. The new increased prices have been implemented for both new and old users of the company. Let us tell you that after the implementation of the new rates, users will have to pay Rs 1750 for Premium Plus. Earlier, customers would have to pay only Rs 1300 for this plan.
Annual plan expenses increased
If you want to take Premium Plus annual plan, then now you will have to spend Rs 18300. Earlier, customers had to pay only Rs 13,600 for annual plans. Three reasons have been given by X behind the increase in the price of premium plans. According to the company, now advertisements will not be shown to users on this platform. With this step of the company, content creators will get more money than before. The company said that now new features will be added to the users in this platform.
According to X, users taking premium plans are going to get more benefits than before. Users will now get a chance to use 'Radar'. With this, the company will now be able to use our AI models in a better way than before. The company said that when a user takes a subscription, that money directly benefits the content creators. The company said that now we will not only see how many times the ads are seen but we will also see how much people are liking the content of the creators.
Information- Government's warning to crores of mobile users, do not receive calls coming from these numbers even by mistake.
Image Credit: India_Tv.