WhatsApp is the largest instant messaging application used worldwide. Along with chatting, WhatsApp provides many facilities to its millions of users like voice calling, video calling, online payment, document sharing. Even though many years have passed since WhatsApp was launched, the company is still bringing new updates on it. The company has added many exciting features in the last few months for the convenience of its users. Today we are going to tell you about a feature of WhatsApp which can be very useful for you.
WhatsApp is known for its safety and privacy features. This is the reason why more than 3.5 billion people use it. In this platform you also get many advanced features like live location. With its help you can easily track someone. Although this feature is very convenient, but if we make a mistake, it can cause big loss.
Amazing feature of WhatsApp
Many times it happens when someone is coming to us and he does not know our location, then he asks us for live location. We share live location but forget to turn it off later. If you have also done this then your privacy may be in danger. In fact, with your live location, anyone can easily track you even after the work is done.
If you have also sent your live location to someone but have forgotten to turn it off later, then WhatsApp gives you a secret feature for this. With the help of this feature, you can easily know to whom you have sent your live location. Let us tell you its complete process.
WhatsApp will reveal like this
- To know who has shared your location, you will first have to go to the WhatsApp application.
- Now you have to click on the 3 dot menu icon visible at the top of the display.
- Now you have to click on the settings option.
- Now you have to go to the privacy option.
- Now you will have to scroll down a bit and click on the location option.
- As soon as you click on the location, you will know to whom you have sent the live location. Now you can turn off live location from here.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.