Olympic medalist Neeraj Chopra, who has brought glory to the country all over the world, has tied the knot. Neeraj Chopra has shared this good news by sharing his wedding pictures with fans, after which everyone is curious to know whom Neeraj Chopra has married. Who is Neeraj Chopra's wife? What do they do and what do they look like? Actually, Neeraj Chopra's marriage was a private ceremony, in which only selected members of the family attended. On January 16, the couple had a destination wedding at a hill station in Himachal Pradesh. Neeraj Chopra and his wife are looking very beautiful in their wedding look. His wife Himani's looks are also overshadowing the heroine. The bridal look of Neeraj Chopra's wife Himani is being discussed a lot.
Who is Neeraj Chopra's wife?
Neeraj Chopra's wife's name is Himani Mor. She is a resident of Sonipat, Haryana. According to media reports, Himani is studying Master of Science from McCormack Isenberg School of Management. His father Chandram Mor has been a well-known Kabaddi player. Himani herself has been interested in sports, she has been a tennis player.
Neeraj Chopra's wedding
Neeraj and Himani's bridal look caught attention
Both Neeraj Chopra and Himani are looking very beautiful in their wedding look. Himani's beauty and her wedding looks are being discussed a lot. Himani chose pastel colors for her special day. She has worn a very beautiful lehenga of pastel pink color. In which colorful star work has been done. Heavy embroidery was done on the lehenga and chunari. The dupatta has booti work while the lehenga has a flower design. Which looks very beautiful.
Himani Mor defeated the heroines
Himani is looking very classy in bridal look. The matching pink chura with her pink lehenga also looks quite special. She has hung golden bangles and earrings with the bangles. Talking about jewellery, she is wearing a heavy necklace with beautiful kundan and stones around her neck and a beautiful nose ring along with Maang Tikka. Who is adding charm to the look of Neeraj Chopra's wife. Himani Mor's bridal look with subtle makeup looks very special.
Image Credit: India_Tv.