There are 5 places on earth where people live for an average of 100 years. In 2004, researchers Gianni Pace and Michael Polen discovered a place named Sardinia in the Nuoro province in Italy. About which it was said that the average age of the people living here is around 100 years. Whereas this does not happen in other places. After this, Dan Buettner added four new places to the Blue Zone. Where the people were found to have similarities with the people of Sardinia. The people living here have very few lifestyle related diseases. People here easily live for more than 100 years even without medicine.
These are the 5 blue zones of the world
Researchers Gianni Pace, Michael Pollan and Dan Buettner have identified 5 such places on Earth which are called Blue Zones. These places include Ikaria of Greece, Sardinia of Italy, Okinawa of Japan, Loma Linda of America and Nicosia of Costa Rica.
Blue Zone In World
Singapore becomes the new blue zone
Now Singapore has been declared the new Blue Zone. Singapore The number of people living to be 100 doubled in the 10 years from 2010-2020. Due to which, in August 2023, Singapore is going to be named the world's sixth “Blue Zone”. However, behind this happening in Singapore, the government and the investors there play a big role. This is the reason why some people do not consider Singapore as a blue zone. Because Blue Zones were discovered and invented by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner, who claimed to identify areas where people live longer and healthier lives largely due to culture, lifestyle, diet and community.
How do people living in Blue Zones live for 100 years?
According to scientists, your genes contribute 20 to 30 percent to your healthy life. After this, important things like environment, food, lifestyle determine your life. Based on these rules, people living in the Blue Zone have a longer lifespan. People living in Blue Zone live a very simple life. These people eat completely vegetarian food and stay away from the consumption of meat and fish. However, some people eat animal products once a week. But most people's diet consists of 95 percent plant-based food. These people eat whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables. Eat seasonal food and stay away from adulteration. This is the reason why diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes are negligible among the people living here.
Image Credit: India_Tv.