It is very difficult to wash and dry woolen clothes in winter. At the same time, cleaning the blankets and drying them is an even more difficult task. If you also want to clean the blanket without water and sunlight, then you should take the help of some hacks. Believe me, by following these tips you can make this work easier to a great extent.
You can use baking soda
All the elements found in baking soda can prove helpful in cleaning and drying the blanket. To remove the stains and spots on the blanket, you have to sprinkle a little baking soda on the blanket. Do not remove the baking soda for about 20 to 30 minutes to achieve better results. Now you can remove the baking soda sprinkled on the blanket with the help of a soft brush or any cloth.
Vacuum cleaner will prove effective
For your information, let us tell you that you can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean the blanket. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from heavy blankets and get a clean blanket in just minutes.
You can use blanket cleaning spray
Do you know that blanket cleaning sprays are also available in the market. With the help of blanket cleaning spray, you can easily clean the blanket without water and without sunlight. First of all, sprinkle blanket cleaning spray on the blanket. Now after some time, you can clean the blanket with a clean cloth or brush.
By using these methods you can easily clean heavy blankets. Now you don't have to worry about washing the blanket and drying it in the sun during the winter season.
Image Credit: India_Tv.