On the occasion of Ayurveda Day, PM Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated various projects related to the health sector on Tuesday. PM has also congratulated on Dhanteras and the birth anniversary of Lord Dhanvantari. During this, PM Modi has apologized to the elders of Delhi and West Bengal. PM Modi said that he will not be able to serve them. Let us know why PM Modi has said this.
PM Modi apologized to the elders
PM Modi has said that I apologize to every elderly person above 70 years of age in Delhi and West Bengal that I will not be able to serve you. I will know that you are suffering, but I will not be able to help you, because due to their political interests, the governments of Delhi and West Bengal are not joining the 'Ayushman Bharat Scheme'.
PM told the goal of the scheme
PM Modi said this National Health Scheme aims to provide comprehensive coverage of up to ₹5 lakh for hospitalization expenses, but regrettably, political interests have hindered its implementation in your states.
Today the guarantee is being fulfilled – PM Modi
PM Modi said that at the time of elections, I had guaranteed that in the third term, all the elderly above 70 years of age would be brought under the 'Ayushman Yojana'. Today, on the day of Dhanvantari Jayanti, this guarantee is being fulfilled. Now every elderly person in the country above 70 years of age will get free treatment in the hospital. Such elderly people will be given Ayushman Vaya Vandana card. This scheme will prove to be a milestone. If the elders of the house have Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card, then the expenses of the family will be less and their worries will also be less.
This time Diwali is historic – PM Modi
On this occasion, PM Modi said that today the entire country is celebrating the festival of Dhanteras and the birth anniversary of Lord Dhanvantari. I wish you all a happy Dhanteras and the birth anniversary of Lord Dhanvantari. On this day, a large number of people in the country buy something new for their home, I especially congratulate the business friends of the country. Happy Diwali to all of you in advance. PM Modi said that this time's Diwali is historic. After 500 years, such an opportunity has come when thousands of lamps will be lit in the temple of Ramlala built on his birthplace in Ayodhya. There will be a wonderful celebration. This will be such a Diwali, when our Ram has once again come to his home, and this time the wait is being fulfilled not after 14 years but after 500 years.
Information Collected- When Thalapati Vijay challenged, DMK also replied, saying – this is our copy.
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