In Pauri district of Uttarakhand, an elderly man in an intoxicated state drank 'toilet cleaner' under the guise of alcohol, due to which he died. The deceased has been identified as 67-year-old Bhagwan Singh, who was a resident of Jamla village here. The police have filled the Panchnama and handed over the body to the relatives after post-mortem.
After returning from the wedding, drank 'toilet cleaner'
Pauri police station in-charge Amarjeet Singh, quoting family members, said that Bhagwan Singh returned home on Sunday night after attending his niece's wedding ceremony but was in an intoxicated state. Toilet cleaner was kept in a glass bottle of water in the house. Singh, in an intoxicated state, accidentally drank 'toilet cleaner'. He drank it thinking it was alcohol. Singh's health started deteriorating after drinking toilet cleaner, after which his family brought him to Pauri District Hospital, about 13 kilometers from the village, where Singh died on Monday.
Chief Medical Officer of Pauri, Dr. Praveen Kumar said that after post-mortem, the body was handed over to the family members. Due to the death of Bhagwan Singh, the family is in bad condition and crying. The villagers are also surprised by such an incident.
50 thousand fine on those who serve alcohol, boycott of family
At the same time, let us tell you that in many hilly districts of Uttarakhand, there is a ban on serving liquor at weddings. There is a provision to impose fine on the concerned family for not following the rules. On November 15, under the leadership of village head Bhagchand Bisht of Udri village, villagers including Mahila Mangal Dal organized a meeting in which it was unanimously decided that a fine of Rs 50,000 would be imposed on anyone who drinks liquor. Besides, that family will also be boycotted. (भा)
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Image Credit: India_Tv.