New Delhi: AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi, while answering the question related to Sambhal in an exclusive interview given to India TV, said that no change can be made in any religious place in the country under the Places of Worship Act. When such a law is made then the lower courts should take decisions under this law only.
This survey is against the Places of Worship Act
When Owaisi was asked whether he was afraid of the survey? Owaisi said- 'There is no fear of survey, there is fear that it harms the social structure of the country. Law and order issues will arise in the country. In this way the survey is against the Places of Worship Act of 1991. Except Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir, no other issue can be taken to court in this manner.
Want to create chaos in the name of survey
On the controversy related to Sambhal, Owaisi said that right to access was demanded under Section 18 and instead the judge ordered a survey. Get the survey done within a few hours. This cannot happen in any other case except Ram Mandir Babri Masjid case. They want to create turmoil in the entire country in the name of survey.
Owaisi said that 5 innocent poor people were killed in Sambhal. These were people from laborer families. Owaisi said that there is no conflict between Pathans and Turks in Sambhal. This Yogi government is presenting such theories to hide its mistakes. Owaisi said that the petitioner in the Sambhal case is the standing counsel appointed by the UP government and he files the case against the UP government.
Image Credit: India_Tv.