Six people were killed and five others were seriously injured after a Tata Magic collided with a trailer in the early hours of Saturday near Gaykanpali area under Hemgiri police station in Odisha's Sundergarh district. Due to dense fog, the van driver hit the trailer parked on the roadside, due to which this accident occurred. The deceased have not been identified yet. According to the information, the villagers were returning home after the Kirtan ceremony on the occasion of Diwali. The villagers had just reached their homes when this accident took place, in which six people died and 5 others were seriously injured.
Due to low visibility due to fog, the driver of the van could not see the trailer, due to which this horrific collision occurred. This incident has spread sensation in the area. On receiving the information, local police reached the spot and with the help of local people, the injured were admitted to the local hospital. Angry locals have blocked the road demanding necessary compensation for the relatives of the deceased and are demanding justice.
police statement
A senior police officer said the accident occurred near Gaiknapali area under Hemgiri police station. A van carrying passengers collided with a truck. “Six members of the kirtan group died on the spot, while five others were injured,” he said. It is suspected that the accident occurred due to fog in the area.'' The 'Kirtan' party had gone to Chakkapalai village for a program on the occasion of Diwali and was returning to their village after the program. The official said that these people were from Kandagoda and Samarpinda villages of Sundergarh district. He said that the injured have been admitted to the local hospital. After this incident, local people blocked the road demanding ex-gratia for the victims' families.
(Shubham Kumar reports from Odisha)
Image Credit: India_Tv.