Sun is very important in the world and in Sanatan Dharma also, Sun is considered very special. If the sun does not rise one day the world may be destroyed. However, you may not know that it is very important to look at the sun even before eating food. There are many rules mentioned in Ayurveda, from eating to drinking water. In this article we are going to tell you about this rule.
Best time to eat food
Let us tell you that there is a deep connection between the time of eating food and the sun. According to experts, dinner should not be taken after sunset and breakfast should not be taken before sunrise. Be sure to follow these rules of eating and drinking.
body moves according to the sun
Our body is governed by Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas, similarly the world is governed by Sun, Moon and Vayu. Our defects move according to these and our body moves according to the Sun.
Eating after sunset is poison
Those who eat food even after sunset, their food is not digested. Because of this it will create Ama, Ama means poison. Not only this, it is said in Ayurveda that food that remains undigested can cause 100 diseases to the body.
Uric acid and cholesterol will increase
According to experts, there is a risk of increase in cholesterol and uric acid due to unhealthy diet. All the toxins and waste materials in the world are increasing. Unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet can also be the reason behind this.
Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.