Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The risk of paralysis increases in winter, keep these things in mind while removing the blanket in the morning.

HomeHealthThe risk of paralysis increases in winter, keep these things in mind while removing the blanket in the morning.


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There is always a risk of some diseases during the winter season. If these diseases are not taken care of, they can also be fatal. One of these diseases is paralysis. During winter, the risk of stroke remains from 3 pm to 6 am. In such a situation, you need to be very careful. Let us tell you how to take precautions.

Cold weather brings with it many diseases. When there is a cold wave in winter, apart from cough, cold, throat infection and flu, cases of asthma, heart attack and paralysis increase. In this season, doctors also forbid people to go out in the evening. In this season, children, elderly people as well as diabetes, blood pressure and heart patients should also be careful. Let us know how to remove the danger of paralysis in cold weather.

Keep these things in mind while taking out the blanket

To reduce the risk of paralysis, do not come out of the quilt or blanket in the morning. The blood becomes thick in this season. Due to this, blood flow to the heart or brain may stop. Which increases the risk of heart attack and brain stroke. Whenever you wake up in the morning, sit for half an hour before leaving the bed. After this, keep your feet hanging for a minute. Whenever you get up from bed, you should cover yourself with warm clothes.

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Don't make these mistakes while bathing

Take bath with lukewarm water in winter during cold. Keep in mind that to reduce the risk of paralysis, one should always pour water on one's feet first. After this pour water on other parts of the body. If you pour water directly on the head, the risk of stroke or paralysis increases.

Disclaimer: The suggestions in this article are for general information. Do not take these tips and information as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of any disease, definitely consult a doctor.

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Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.

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