Metabolism is essential for the most basic functions of the body, but aging has an effect. Metabolism starts slowing down with aging. This means that our body will burn calories at a slow pace. The slower calories are lit, the more fat will accumulate in the body and it will directly affect the weight. Weight will increase and people will face difficulty in reducing it. In such a situation, people trying to lose weight should include food items and other things doing metabolism in their day, not just diet.
According to Harvard Health, it is possible to speed up metabolism, which has grown over time with a small change. These changes can help you burn more calories.
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Increasing speed will increase metabolism: Harvard Health has advised people to include high-intensity exercises in their routine. The university said that while walking on the treadmill or jogging, people should increase their speed in a while and then come to normal speed. This will help in increasing metabolism throughout the day.
Include protein in your diet and do weight training: There is no clarity on how much protein is affected on metabolism. But some studies show that taking protein and then doing weight training can increase metabolism.
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Drink green tea to increase metabolism: According to Harvard Health, Green Tea contains a compound called Epigalocatechin Gallet. It can increase the ability to burn calories and fat. A meta-analysis published in the obesity review found that consuming about 250 mg epigalocatechin gallet (about three cups of green tea) gives so much boost to metabolism that an average of 100 additional calories are burnt on an average.
Enough sleep is necessary: Bad sleep can affect how much energy you need to exercise and cook healthy food. Getting adequate sleep reduces insulin levels, which promotes metabolism.
Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.