If there is a deficiency of vitamins in the body, many problems will arise. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause anemia. Along with this, there is blurring of vision, digestive problems, tingling in hands and feet, sometimes the tongue starts stuttering. At the same time, hyperpigmentation, light spots, acne, eczema and ulcers can be seen on the face. You can buy B12 supplements through Amazon sale. 50% discount is available on these.
INLIFE Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 1500 mcg Supplement with ALA, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3
In this supplement you are getting 120 tablets of Vitamin B12. In this, plant based vitamin B12 is prepared from spirulina extract. It is absolutely 100% vegetarian. It helps in improving brain health.
Vlado's Himalayan Organics Plant Bases Vitamin B12 Supplement
This supplement tablet contains 1500 mcg of Vitamin B12 available on Amazon sale. More than 1 thousand buyers have ordered it. It will boost your energy, improve digestion and nerve health. Your skin will also glow.
Carbamide Forte Vitamin B12 Tablets 1500 mcg
This supplement contains a pack of 90 tablets. This pack contains 1500 mcg of active methylcobalamin i.e. B12. It contains bioactive and bioavailable vitamin B12. Its Vitamin B12 lasts for a long time.
Disclaimer: The suggestions in this article are for general information. Do not take these tips and information as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of any disease, definitely consult a doctor.
Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.