It has often been seen that drinking dal water is said to be good for health for children. But you might not know that drinking dal water is considered very healthy for adults too. It helps in controlling weight. Not only this, lentil water is beneficial for health, from reducing bad cholesterol to providing energy and nutrition.
Benefits of drinking lentil water
rich in nutrients
There are many nutrients in lentil water. From protein, fiber, vitamins to minerals, lentil water is rich in vitamin B, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc. All these nutrition makes the body strong, along with this the immune system also gets strengthened.
digestion improves
If your digestion is poor, you can drink lentil water for essential nutrition along with protein. Drinking pulses mixed with asafoetida improves the bowel system and relieves constipation.
help in weight loss
If you want to lose weight then you can drink lentil water daily. It contains high amounts of fiber and protein, which keeps the stomach full.
Beneficial for cholesterol and heart disease
If the amount of bad cholesterol in the body has increased, then drinking lentil water daily is beneficial. Lentil water prevents cholesterol from increasing. Along with this, it keeps the heart healthy.
get energy
People who drink lentil water would benefit from drinking lentil water daily. Drinking pulse water provides energy to the body. Which removes fatigue and lethargy from the body.
beneficial for diabetes
It is healthy for diabetic patients to drink lentil water. Lentil water has low glycemic index, which is beneficial for diabetes patients.
Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.