Tamil singer Chinmayi Sripada has become popular on social media with one of her posts. Chinmayi has recently given her reaction to a user's post. In which he expressed his views on the tremendous sale of condoms. Chinmayi Sripada even said that men should not have sex before marriage unless they chase goats and dogs. Now this outspoken style of Chinmayi is making headlines on social media.
What is the whole story?
In fact, recently the New Year was celebrated with great pomp. On the occasion of New Year celebrations, online sales of all types of goods also skyrocketed. But the most interesting thing was the post of online home delivery application 'Blinkit'. Blinkit recently shared a post on X. In which he told that more than 1.2 lakh condoms were delivered online on New Year's night. Regarding this post, a user named 'Venom' cited these figures. A user named Venom wrote, 'Blinkit CEO said that 1.2 lakh condom packets were ordered online in just one night. And the special thing is that these are only the figures of Blinkit. This sale would have been more than 10 million from other platforms. Good luck finding a virgin girl in such times. Seeing this post of the user, Chinmayi Sripada also got angry. Chinmai wrote in response to this post, 'Then men should not have sex without marriage. Unless they go after goats and dogs.'
Chinmayi Sripada
Chinmayi's post went viral on social media
Let us tell you that this post of Chinmayi created an uproar on social media. Not only did people react to this post of Chinmai but also made this post viral. Now people are also posting screenshots of this post from their accounts. Some people have also jumped in support of Chinmayi Sripada's comment. Some people have also criticized Chinmayi's views.
Image Credit: India_Tv.