Indian cricket team's star player Yuzvendra Chahal has been in the headlines for the past few days regarding his personal life. Yuzvendra is allegedly having a rift with his wife Dhanashree Verma and rumors of divorce are also coming to the fore. Amidst divorce rumours, Yuzvendra Chahal is going to be seen on the sets of Bigg Boss-18. Chahal will share the stage with his teammates Shreyas Iyer and Shashank Singh in the Weekend War episode of Bigg Boss 18. Pictures of the vanity van from the sets of Bigg Boss are going viral on social media. In which Chahal is posing with his friend and fellow player Shreyas Iyer.
How did the rumors of Yuzvendra Chahal's divorce start?
Indian cricket team player Yuzvendra is also very active on social media. Yuzvendra Chalah was friends with social media influencer Dhanashree Verma. After this Chahal proposed her for marriage. Dhanashree also said yes to the marriage. After this, on 22 December, Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma got married. Everything went well for about 4 years of marriage. Fans also saw photos of romantic moments between the two. Chahal and Dhanashree's reels also went viral. But after 4 years, news of sourness in their relationship started coming. Recently it was seen that Dhanashree has unfollowed Yuzvendra Chahal on Instagram. Both of them disconnected each other from social media accounts. After this, rumors of divorce started gaining air. Questions were raised about their relationship and along with Chahal, Dhanashree also gave her reaction. But both of them have not cleared the news of divorce.
Will Chahal answer questions in Weekend War?
Now Yuzvendra Chahal is soon going to be seen on the sets of Bigg Boss-18. This information has been received from Chahal's pictures. Now Chahal can be seen talking with Bigg Boss host Salman Khan in Weekend War. Chahal can also answer questions here. Now it has to be seen what Chahal does in the weekend war in Bigg Boss-18. However, the channel has not released any promo for it yet. Now fans are also very excited to see Chahal on the Bigg Boss stage in the Weekend War on Saturday or Sunday.
Image Credit: India_Tv.