Anushka Shetty, who has shown her strong acting skills in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam language films, always remains in the news due to her different characters. For some time, the actress has been in the limelight for her upcoming film 'Ghati', the scary teaser of which has been released today. The first glimpse of the film has been released today on his birthday. Now Baahubali's 'Devsena' is going to be seen creating a stir as the queen of 'Ghati'. Meanwhile, an old video of the actress is going viral, in which she has revealed why she took a break after the Pan India film 'Baahubali' with Prabhas.
Why not a Pan India film after Baahubali?
Anushka Shetty had revealed why she decided not to do pan-India films after the blockbuster success of 'Baahubali'. In an interview with Indian Express, Anushka said that she started shooting immediately after completing the shooting of 'Bhaagamathie' directed by SS Rajamouli. The actress further said, 'After finishing Bahubali, I was very busy with Bhaagamathie and then I wanted to take some time off. It was my decision because I needed a little break. What I needed most at that time was a break. At that time, I felt like doing this so that I could work well for my upcoming projects. I know this may seem strange to you.
Anushka Shetty's comeback
Anushka Shetty said that she felt like taking a break from acting for some time and she did not even listen to any script at that time. However, the actress said that if something explosive came her way, she would definitely do it. In this film starring Prabhas, Anushka Shetty played the role of Bahubali's wife Devasena. His acting was highly appreciated by the audience across the country. After the success of 'Bahubali', Anushka worked in films like 'Bhaagamathi' and 'Nishabdham'. After 2020, she went on a break for some time and returned after three years with 'Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.