South actress Varalakshmi Saratkumar surprised everyone by announcing her engagement to Nikolai Sachdev in March. The Hanu-Man actor got engaged to Mumbai gallerist Nikolai Sachdev and later got married in a South Indian and Christian ceremony in July 2024. The couple also faced a lot of negative comments on their marriage as it was Nikolai's second marriage and not his first. Since then there has been curiosity about the actress's husband. Therefore, we are going to tell you about Nikolai Sachdev.
Who is Nikolai Sachdev?
Nikolai Sachdev is an art gallery operator from Mumbai. He also has his own art gallery named 7 Gallery in Mumbai, which is famous for the celebrities visiting there. Nikolai's parents, Arun and Chandra, are well-known art gallery operators in the city. He founded Gallery 7. Apart from being an art gallery operator, Nikolai Sachdev is also a powerlifter and fitness freak. Additionally, he has won several powerlifting competitions. It is well known that gallery operators are fond of tattoos. Currently, he is facing a lot of trailing due to his looks.
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Nikolai's first marriage
Let us tell you, Nikolai was married to model and fitness trainer Kavita before dating Varalakshmi Saratkumar. According to reports, the couple married in 2006 and have a daughter named Kasha. It is said that Nikolai Sachdev trains his daughter and others in powerlifting and his daughter Kasha has also won a gold medal in this sport. This marriage continued for 13 years and then broke up in the year 2019.
Nikolai and Varalakshmi have known each other for 14 years
Let us tell you that Varalakshmi Saratkumar and Nikolai Sachdev have known each other for the last 14 years. However, in 2024 their friendship turned into love. Varalakshmi is the step-daughter of actress and director Radhika Sarathkumar. He started his acting career with the 2012 film 'Poda Podi'. She was seen in the film 'Hanu Maan'. Apart from this, she will soon be seen in the film 'Ryan'. Dhanush is in the lead role in this film.
Image Credit: India_Tv.