Dharmendra seems to be in legal trouble regarding his restaurant franchise 'Garam Dharam Dhaba'. Delhi's Patiala House Court has recently issued summons against veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in the fraud case related to 'Garam Dharam Dhaba' franchise. This summons has been issued by Judicial Magistrate Yashdeep Chahal. Delhi businessman Sushil Kumar accused Dharmendra in the court of defrauding him by luring him to invest in the franchise.
Why did Dharmendra get summons from the court?
Delhi's Patiala House Court has recently issued summons against veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in the fraud case related to 'Garam Dharam Dhaba' franchise, the hearing of which will be held in February 2025. According to news agency ANI, in the summons order issued on December 5, the judge said, 'Evidence on record indicates that the accused persons induced the complainant to further their common intention and to commit the offense of fraud. Has been duly disclosed.
Actor Dharmendra accused of fraud
The court has ordered that on the basis of evidence, the accused persons (Dharam Singh Deol) and the remaining two persons will be sentenced by the court for committing offenses under sections 420, 120B read with 34 IPC. Accused persons No. 2 and 3 will also be punished for the offense of criminal intimidation under Section 506 of the IPC.' Further hearing in the fraud case will be held on February 20, 2025. Apart from actor Dharmendra and him, two other people will have to appear on the given date for hearing in this case. Let us inform you that earlier on October 9, 2020, the court had rejected an application seeking direction to register an FIR.
Image Credit: India_Tv.