Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer series 'Sitadale: Honey Bani' did not get any special response. With the release, the discussion of this series also came to a standstill in a few days. After this, people felt that this OTT series of prime videos had flopped. But now a new figure has come out about this series which has shocked everyone. According to Prime Video, 'Citadale: Honey Bani' has made its place in the top-10 in the list of most viewed stories in the series made in non-English language of 2024.
This list celebrates international titles that have gained popularity. The exciting detective series, directed by Raj and DK and starring Varun Dhawan and Samantha, takes the audience on a thrilling journey full of detective, action and betrayal. Based on the lively background of the 90s, Citadel: Honey Bani Stuntman Bani (Dhawan) and actress Honey (Samantha) tells the story. When they enter a dangerous world while protecting their daughter Nadia. The series mesmerized the audience globally with its high-level story and visual grand construction.
This series tops the list
Many series were included in the global list of Prime Video. Among them, Spanish young adult sensation Kulpa Tuya stood first. Which emerged as the most viewed series at the time of launch. Mercedes Ron's best -selling Kalpables Trilogy -based sequel secured number one place in more than 170 countries including Spain, France and Brazil. Also the U.S. And U.K. Made place in the top 3 in. Its widespread popularity has redefined global success for Spanish originals. The second list of 2024 Top 10 of Prime Video includes Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End (Spain), Maxon Hall: The World Bitveen As (Germany), and Mary My Husband (Korea). In particular, India also got success at the domestic level, in which Mirzapur season 3 became the most viewed series of prime videos in India in its first week.
Image Credit: India_Tv.