Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal were spotted with their daughter Lara at the Mumbai airport on Saturday morning. During this, Lara's face was seen for the first time. Varun Dhawan's daughter's face has been revealed 7 months after birth. This video of Varun's family is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which Lara is looking very cute. Before the end of 2024, Bollywood stars are going to visit different places. While last night Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt were seen at the airport with Raha, today Varun-Natasha were seen leaving for the New Year holiday with their little angel Lara.
Varun Dhawan's daughter's face seen for the first time
The video shared by Viral Bhayani. In it, Varun Dhawan's wife Natasha is seen holding their daughter Lara in her lap and the actor is seen having fun with her. This is the first time Lara's face has been seen in public. All three were seen wearing comfortable traveling outfits. Varun Dhawan and wife Natasha welcomed their daughter on June 3, 2024.
Varun-Natasha posted the first photo with their daughter
On the occasion of Christmas 2024, in a heart-touching gesture, the couple posted the first family photo with their daughter Lara. In this beautiful picture, all three were seen posing in front of the Christmas tree. Although Varun and Natasha did not show Lara's face in it, but she was seen in a red colored frock, socks and a cute Santa themed hairband. Varun wore a red track and white T-shirt, while Natasha wore a white dress. His pet dog Joy also appeared in it.
Varun Dhawan will be seen in these 5 films
Talking about the work front, Janhvi Kapoor will be seen with Varun Dhawan in the upcoming romantic comedy 'Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari', which will release on April 18, 2025. He will also be seen in the action war drama 'Border 2' alongside Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahan Shetty in 2026. Apart from these, actor Varun will be seen in 'Hai Jawaani Toh Ishq Hona Hai', 'Bhediya 2' and 'No Entry 2'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.