Unni Mukundan's Malayalam film 'Marco' has been one of the biggest hits of 2024. This bloody action thriller directed by Hanif Adeni has taken the world by storm, crossing the Rs 100 crore mark at the worldwide box office in just 23 days. This is the first time that Unni Mukundan has scored a century, achieving a milestone in his career and the film is keeping the audience coming even in its last weeks in theatres. The film 'Marco', released with 'Bobby John', created a stir at the box office.
Marco beats this one on BO
'Marco' has earned a handsome amount of Rs 45 crore in Kerala. At the same time, this film is making excellent earnings in Hindi language. Where the film earned approximately Rs 12 crores. The special thing is that 'Marco' started with just Rs 1 lakh on its first day in North India, but due to the excellent story and powerful action scenes, its collection has gained tremendous momentum. It is the seventh highest grossing Malayalam film of 2024 worldwide. It is expected that in the next few weeks this film can touch the figure of Rs 150 crore at the worldwide box office. 'Marco' grossed 22 times more than 'Aadujeevitam' with a total of Rs 11.03 crore. Meanwhile, it earned 1278% more than Tovino Thomas' action thriller 'Ajayante Random Motionam' at the box office. In the Hindi belt, Unni Mukundan has also overtaken Varun Dhawan's 'Baby John' in terms of earnings.
Unni Mukundan's bright luck
'Marco' is a spin-off of the 2019 film 'Mikhail'. The film stars Kabir Duhaan Singh, Durva Thakar, Anson Paul, Arjun Nandkumar, Yukti Tareja, Abhimanyu Shammi Thilakan, Siddique, Jagadeesh and Riyaz Khan. After the immense success of 'Marco', Unni Mukundan will be seen in the upcoming comedy-drama 'Get-Set Baby'. Directed by Vinay Govind, the film stars a stellar cast including Nikhila Vimal, Chemban Vinod, Surbhi Lakshmi and others. The film is scheduled to release in 2025 and Mukundan can be seen doing a light-hearted comedy.
Image Credit: India_Tv.