Former Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma had recently reached Vrindavan to seek shelter from Premanand Maharaj. During this time, along with Virat-Anushka, their two children Vamika and Akay were also present. Some videos of the two also surfaced on social media, in which the couple was seen sitting and talking to Premanand Maharaj and taking blessings from the spiritual guru. After taking blessings from Premanand Maharaj, now another video of Anushka-Virat has surfaced, in which both of them were again seen immersed in devotion.
Virat-Anushka reached the shelter of Radhavallabh before Champions Trophy
Recently, after taking blessings from Premanand Maharaj, Anushka-Virat have once again reached Vrindavan, where both of them had darshan of Shri Radhavallabh ji. The video of Anushka and Virat reaching the darshan of Radhavallabh has also surfaced, in which Virat Kohli can be seen with folded hands, while Anushka is prostrating before Radhavallabh ji. After this, Anushka-Virat sit for some time and enjoy the satsang.
Virat and Anushka left their children and reached Radhavallabh's darshan.
During this, he was seen in black pants, black sweatshirt and winter cap, while Anushka was seen with a white outfit and shawl. Let us tell you, even before this Virat-Anushka had reached Vrindavan to visit Sant Premanand Maharaj. Both of them along with their daughter Vamika had reached the shelter of Premanand Maharaj in 2023, the video of which was much discussed. After this, Virat Kohli scored his one-day century after three years.
Champions Trophy will start from 19th February
Now before the Champions Trophy, once again Virat Kohli came to seek the blessings of Premanand Maharaj. Champions Trophy 2025 is going to start from 19th February. Team India has not been announced yet for the tournament, but it is considered certain that Kohli will be in the team. After receiving blessings from Premanand Maharaj, the couple was now seen visiting other temples in Vrindavan. However, during this time Virat-Anushka were seen alone. His children Vamika or Akay were not seen with him. Whereas, before this both of them had appeared in the court of Premanand Maharaj with their two children.
Image Credit: India_Tv.