His fans keep an eye on the photos of Bollywood celebrities. That is why new and old pictures of these celebs often prevail on social media. A photo of a veteran Bollywood actress is on social media these days. This is a photo of the Bollywood actress who surprised everyone by asking for work on social media at the age of 58. In this throbac photo, these actresses are posing with their friends. If you still have not been able to recognize them, then let us tell you that it is none other than Nina Gupta.
Nina Gupta's throbac photo
This photo of Nina Gupta's school days is very much discussed these days. In the photo, Nina Gupta is posing with her other 5 friends. But, can you tell you where Nina is in this group photo by looking at the photo? The girl who is sitting on the right side of the photo is Nina Gupta, who is sitting. Nina looks very simple and cute in the picture. This photo is of his school days. The veteran actress shared this photo herself a few months ago, which she remembered her school friends while sharing.
See photo here
Nina Gupta with school friends
This film made a tremendous comeback
In 2018, Neena Gupta acted in a film that made a splash at the box office. With his comeback, he created panic everywhere. In the 'Badhath' Ho released in 2018, she played a middle -aged woman, who is the mother of two young sons and becomes pregnant. The film received tremendous response from the audience and was filled with work of Neena Gupta.
Second innings started with congratulations
However, till this, Nina was facing a lot of difficulties in getting work. In such a situation, he resorted to social media and shared a post and asked for work. What was it then, 'Badhaai Ho' came in his bag and Ayushman Khurana, Gajraj Rao and Sanya Malhotra starrer Nina was everywhere with this film. Apart from films, Neena Gupta also received a lot of praise for the 'Panchayat' series. While Nina Gupta is making a splash in Bollywood, her daughter Masaba Gupta is the famous name of the fashion designing industry. Recently Masaba Gupta has become a mother and Nina Nani.
bollywood news
Image Credit: India_Tv.