When Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Divyendu Sharma and Shweta Tripathi starrer web series 'Mirzapur' hit Prime Video, it got a tremendous response from the audience. Three seasons of Mirzapur have come so far and all three have been liked a lot. It has become one of India's most popular crime-thriller series. Seeing the popularity of the series, the makers have also announced the film 'Mirzapur'. But, what if we tell you that there is a web series available on OTT filled with more gore and dangerous scenes than Mirzapur, which has also got a higher rating than Mirzapur on IMDb.
This series is another name for violence and terror
The series we are talking about has had 3 seasons so far and all three have been highly appreciated by the audience. We are talking about Sony Liv's popular web series 'Andekhi', whose first season came during Covid-19. Most of the actors seen in Undekhi were newcomers, yet it was liked a lot. The story of the series starts from Sunderbans and then soon shifts to Manali. In the first series itself, viewers witness two gruesome murders in less than 30 minutes.
Three seasons of Undekhi have arrived
Like 'Mirzapur', 'Andekhi' has also had three seasons so far and its story also revolves around the struggle to maintain dominance over a chair and an area. Talking about the IMDb rating of 'Andekhi', it has got a rating of 8 out of 10. However, after the first season, the ratings of the second and third seasons have declined, but these are also more than 7.
What is the story of 'Andekhi'?
The story of the series revolves around the Atwal family living in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, who have absolute rule over the city. The Atwal family's rule is threatened when a police officer from West Bengal arrives and becomes involved in investigating the murders in the Sundarbans. This dead body is found in a mutilated condition in a forest, while investigating which his hands reach the Atwal family.
Image Credit: India_Tv.