The year 2024 said goodbye and the morning of 2025 began with the smell of a new beginning. The month of December has not been special for Bollywood films. South's film 'Pushpa-2' was the only film which earned a lot in December 2024. Varun Dhawan starrer film 'Baby John' was released in the last week of December. Made with a budget of Rs 180 crore, the earnings of this film have disappointed the makers. Not only this, a cartoon film was released ahead of this film and earned Rs 100 crore. This cartoon film is none other than 'Mufasa: The Lion King'. It has been 11 days since the release of 'Mufasa: The Lion King' and so far more than Rs 106 crore has been earned in India alone. This film has also left behind the collection of Varun Dhawan's film Baby John.
Film made with Rs 180 crore and earning Rs 30 crore
Varun Dhawan's film 'Baby John' was the Hindi remake of Tamil language film 'Theri'. Thalapathy Vijay played the lead role in the Tamil film 'Theri' released in 2016 and it was directed by Atlee. This film was a superhit at the box office. Now the Hindi remake of this film 'Baby John' has been made by Atlee. Although this film has been produced by Atlee. The film has been directed by Kalis. The film 'Baby John', released on December 25, was made with a huge budget of Rs 180 crore. But the film has earned only Rs 32 crore in 7 days. According to the report of Secnilk, the film had an opening of Rs 11.25 crore on the first day. After this, there was a daily decline in its earnings and till now it has been able to collect only Rs 32.65 crore in 7 days.
Mufasa entered the Rs 100 crore club in 11 days
Whereas 'Mufasa: The Lion King' is a cartoon film which was released on 20 December. This cartoon film has earned more than Rs 106 crore in 11 days. Mufasa film had an opening of Rs 8.3 crore on the first day. After this the collection of the film continued to increase. The film made the makers happy by collecting Rs 13 crore on the second day, Rs 17 crore on the third day and Rs 74 crore in the first week itself. Till now the collection of this film in India has crossed Rs 106.7 crore. This cartoon film has overshadowed Varun Dhawan's film Baby John.
Image Credit: India_Tv.