Akshay Kumar starrer film 'Sky Force' has been released in theaters today. A special screening of this film based on a real incident was organized in Mumbai yesterday. People associated with the film and many film stars attended this screening. During this time, Akshay Kumar's family was also seen. The actor had arrived with his wife Twinkle Khanna. During this time, Akshay Kumar's mother-in-law and actress Dimple Kapadia also reached the screening to support her son-in-law. A beautiful girl was also seen with him outside the cinema hall, who was walking holding his hand. People could not take their eyes off this very beautiful girl and she stole the entire limelight in this gathering. Now let us tell you who this girl was, what is her relation with Dimple and what she was doing in the screening.
So this is the girl's relationship with Dimple Kapadia.
In the picture, you can see that Dimple Kapadia has been spotted in an olive green outfit. She is seen walking in a very cool vibe. A very innocent and lovely looking girl is walking with him. The girl is seen in black tank peplum top and blue denim. This girl is none other than Naomika Saran, the granddaughter of veteran actress. Actually, Dimple Kapadia and Rajesh Khanna have two daughters. Twinkle is the elder daughter and Rinki is the younger one. Naomika is Rinke Khanna's daughter. In this respect, Naomika was the niece of Twinkle and Akshay Kumar. Naomika had come to the screening to support her uncle's film. Her innocence and good looks caught people's attention and she overshadowed many other beauties present there.
Dimple Kapadia and Naomika Saran.
Naomika was brought up abroad
Naomika Saran was brought up in London. His father Sameer Saran is an NRI businessman. Naomika is very active on social media and often posts her beautiful pictures. He has received good luck from his grandmother and mother. Blue eyed Naomika leaves no stone unturned to win people's hearts. Naomika is very close to her cousin and Akshay Kumar's son Aarav. He can often be seen spending quality time with his brother. Naomika is just 20 years old and is studying abroad. Looking at her good looks, anyone can say that she can become a successful heroine in Bollywood.
Image Credit: India_Tv.