Salman Khan and Bhagyashree were launched as leading stars with 'Maine Pyar Kiya'. Salman played a small role in 'Biwi Ho To Aisi', after which Sooraj Barjatya's film was his first film as a lead hero. While in Leading Lady, film director Sooraj Barjatya auditioned many actresses, but only one was selected for this role. Bhagyashree was cast as the lead actress in her place. Now, 35 years after the release of 'Maine Pyar Kiya', the real reason behind it has come to light.
This actress was the first choice for Maine Pyar Kiya
In a recent interview, famous comedian Upasana revealed that after she auditioned, director Sooraj Barjatya selected her for the role, but her father Raj Kumar Barjatya did not like her for the role of Suman. In conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Upasana told that she had auditioned for the role of Bhagyashree in 'Maine Pyar Kiya' and met Sooraj when she came to Mumbai for the first time. Upasana Singh told Aag, 'They told me everything about the film, my role and they selected me. After that, he said that you come tomorrow and meet my father but you are selected from my side. The next day, I met his father and he rejected me. They are very sweet people so they did not say that they rejected you but called me to meet again.
Upasana Singh was rejected for this reason
Upasana told that after many years she worked with Rajshri in 'Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon' and then Raj Kumar Barjatya announced in front of the cast of the film that Upasana was his first choice for Suman. Recalling an incident from the sets, he told that Raj Kumar said, 'Do you know who was our first choice for Maine Pyar Kiya? That was worship. The actress further said, 'I never told people about it because I had lost this role.' The actress had also revealed that she was not selected for the film because she was taller than Salman Khan.
Image Credit: India_Tv.