Mamta Kulkarni, who was the top heroine of the 90s in Bollywood, retired yesterday at the ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. On Friday, Mamta assumed the post of Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhara. Mamta Kulkarni, who was surrounded by controversies in her career, has also given a superhit film with Shahrukh Khan and Salmana Khan. Mamta Kulkarni's life has been surrounded by controversies. Not only this, during her Bollywood career, she kept making headlines for everything from topless photo shoots to her marriage with a notorious criminal of the underworld. Now the life of Mamta Kulkarni, who has embarked on the path of retirement, has been full of ups and downs. Let us know his life story.
Started career in 1992
Mamta Kulkarni started her career in 1992 with the film 'Mera Dil Tere Liye'. After this film, the film 'Tiranga' released this year made Mamta a superstar. This film was not only a hit at the box office but also settled in the hearts of people. From here the beginning of Mamta Kulkarni's film journey gained momentum and a flurry of films started. After this, Prem Shikaran, Donga Police were also released in the same year and people liked it a lot. Mamta started doing films continuously and made her place in the world of Bollywood. Then came the year 1994 and Mamta got the film 'Gangster'. This film introduced Mamta to the world of underworld. It was from here that Mamta's heart also started beating for the gangsters. Mamta's name started being associated with notorious underworld criminal Chhota Rajan. Chhota Rajan was called Dawood's Garga at that time. After this Mamta became deeply involved with the underworld.
This journey that started from here turned completely towards the world of crime in a few years. Mamta worked in the film 'Kabhi Tum Kabhi Hum' in 2002 and this was her last Bollywood film. After this Mamta left India and started living in Dubai. Mamta's name completely disappeared for about one and a half decade. After this, in 2014, news of Mamta's marriage with a gangster named Vicky Goswami came to light. However, Mamta continued to deny these reports. But in 2016, Mumbai Police had also issued an arrest warrant against Mamta in a drug case worth Rs 80 crore. In fact, Mamta was the owner of the company to which the drug seized by the police was found to be related. Although this matter was resolved but the stain on Mamta's name was not removed. Mamta, who was missing again for some time, had recently returned to India. Now Mamta retired on Friday in the ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. Here Mamta offered herself Pind Daan and retired as Mahamandaleshwar in Kinnar Akhara. Now Mamta will live the life of a monk.
Image Credit: India_Tv.