South superstar Dhanush is once again ready to make a big blast in Bollywood. The actor has once again joined hands with Anand L. Rai after Ranjhana and Atrangi Ray. His upcoming Bollywood film is named 'Tere Ishq Mein', whose teaser has been released on Tuesday. Along with this, Anand L. Rai has also revealed the face of her leading lady, who will be seen breaking the heart of Dhanush after Sonam Kapoor in Ranjhana. While the first teaser of Tere Ishq showed the aggression of the bow, the second shows Kriti Sanon and his flexibility.
Dhanush's third film with Anand L. Rai
Significantly, 'Tere Ishq Mein' is the third Hindi film after the National Award winning actor Dhanush's Raanjhana and Atrangi Re. In addition, all three films have been produced by Anand L. Rai.
Kriti will be seen 'Tere Ishq Mein'
About 12 years after working together for the first time in Ranjhana, Anand L. Rai and Dhanush are ready to join again with 'Tere Ishq Mein'. It was officially announced with a teaser. However, it had only bows. Now, the producers have released the second teaser, with which it has been made clear that the film will feature Kriti Sanon with Dhanush. In this video, she is seen in the midst of riots. Going forward, she is seen sprinkling petrol on herself. The teaser ends with their cigarette burning.
Kriti shared the teaser of Tere Ishq Mein
Kriti shared the teaser of the film 'Tere Ishq Mein' on Instagram and wrote- 'Some love stories take place to get out of the flames. In 'Tere Ishq', Shankar and liberation are proof of this. ' This is Kriti's second film which will be dubbed or shot in South Indian language. Earlier, he worked with Om Raut and Prabhas in the PAN India film 'Adipurush'. The film was released in five languages.
When will you be released in Tere Ishq?
Dhanush and Kriti Sanon's Tere Ishq will be released on November 28, 2025. The film will be released only in theaters in Tamil and Hindi. Talking about the work front, Kriti was last seen in her home production film 'Do Patti', while Dhanush was last seen in 'Captain Miller' and 'Ryan'.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.