These days Mahakumbh 2025 is celebrated in the holy city of Prayagraj of Uttar Pradesh. Every day crores of people have reached here and are absorbed in the worship of their God by taking a dip in the Ganges. Crores of people have arrived here on the day of royal bath on 29 January. Also, the actors of the film world are also not untouched by this Mahakumbh. So far many film stars have taken a dip in the Mahakumbh. Also, the movement of stars continues here. TV actress Smita Singh is also staying here on Kalpavas. Smita Singh camped here on 12 January.
Shares updating from moment to moment
Since then, Smita Singh has been continuously making her presence in Mahakumbh here. Not only this, Smita Singh is also seen updating the situation with her fans from Mahakumbh. Smita Singh has shared many videos from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning on her Instagram. In these videos, the fans are also facing live reality from Mahakumbh. Smita Singh shared a video among the people last day. In which devotees from all over the country prepared food. Smita Singh is constantly seen talking to the devotees and sharing her videos with her fans.
These stars take a dip of faith
Let us know that the arrival of film stars in Mahakumbh is also going on continuously. Bollywood singer Kailash Kher is constantly immersed in his devotion. Along with this, Shankar Mahadevan has also taken a dip of faith in Mahakumbh for a few days. Along with this, a concert of these two singers has also been organized here. In Mahakumbh, more than 10 singers will tie their melodious voice. Along with this, director Remo D'Souza also arrived here in the past. Remo D'Souza took a dip here and shared pictures of it. Along with this, Panchayat fame actress Sunita Rajwar also reached here for a bath in Mahakumbh. Sunita shared her pictures on her Instagram.
Sunil Grover also reached Mahakumbh
Please tell that TV actor Sunil Grover is known for his comedy. But these days Sunil Grover has also come to bathe in Mahakumbh. Sunil Grover has shared his photos from Mahakumbh. In these pictures, Sunil Grover is seen in the disguise of a monk dressed yellow among a group of women. Sunil Grover shared these pictures and wrote in Mahakumbh, one night of winter. Fans have also responded to this post of Sunil.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.